Happy Birthday to the Trees!
You’re invited to celebrate
Tu B’Shvat, the New Year of the Trees.
Join us at a play place in Evanston for a birthday party complete with pizza, cake, crafts, and activities to celebrate the trees!
The play place is for kids ages 1-17 and has a dedicated "Tots" section where "even the smallest kids in diapers...love discovering new ways to climb up, down, and all-around age-appropriate structures made just for tots."
RSVP by Sunday, February 9 - limited space available!
Sunday, February 16
10:30 am - 1:30 pm
Evanston, IL (exact location shared closer to event or email Rachel Kline for more details) $18 per child, $9 per adult - cost includes activities, pizza, cake, and goodie bags!